Artistic career. ------------------ Began his career at the Academy CEAC, Barcelona. He graduated from the School of Art and Craft Covars Adelard of Badajoz. Make a monographic course of Ceramics, School of Ceramics in the Moncloa in Madrid. Inclusin the artistes AMERICAN GENERAL CATALOGUE 1900 1990, editoial Arabel. Intervention of the critic and historian D. Manuel Vaz-Romero, EXTREMADURA XXIV HISTORICAL TALKS. Evocation, ALEGORAY drama of a life experience. Conference on the work of Emilio Gonzalez jail pictorial 100 1995. Contemporary GIVE Dizionario encyclopaedic 1995 1996. Casa Editrice Alba Italy. He is currently artistic director of the Cultural Association of the True Friends of Cceres. Member of the Catalan d Agrupacin Artists. ACEA. Member of the Association of Aragon plastic artist Goya. S academic Knight (Section Art) Growth Marino, Italy. It has published a book on the most representative work of his career jail 100. Of which there have been several conferences. By Dr. in history and art critic D. Vas-Romero Manuel Nieto. Participates in the International Catalogue of Mallorca DART Galera ARTISTS 1999. Have been made forty individual exhibitions, ninety YMS GROUP. He has completed several ceramics, murals and shields of various villas in the province. Artists Yearbook year 2001, Quiny why, published by the newspaper THE POINT OF ARTS Madrid. Participation in ARTISTI CONTEMPORANEI Profili & QUOTAZIONI. Arte Della Stampa Italian typography. 2001 The City of my town estn Tejeda is doing the works to raise the monument DOOR AND THRESHOLD OF THE VERA of reinforced concrete. Sponsored and approved by ADICOVER. A candlelight. Together with my brother Demetrius made a major exhibition ethnographic museum Cceres in our collection of Fixtures, more than 300 pieces left at the museum, donated by us, and published the book A candlelight. In Cceres City, on Avenida de la Plata route has emerged MONUMENT hormigny HUMANITY of stone. Which features: a V of concrete of 5.50 x 4.60 x 1.10 m. topped with a stone weighing grantica dolmnica is 14 tons. After many years of research work, study and acquisition of oil lamps, over 400 pieces with my brother Demetrius, we have donated to the Museum of Cceres. It is therefore realizuna major exhibition of all the candles, the works of research, drawings, photographs and all the documents of the same for over 20 years. It has published a book of this little Indian ethnographic important tool of our ancestors. In Puerto de Honduras 1435 m. Gredos southern slope, this raised Evasin sculpture MONUMENT TO MONTAEROS. Which features a galvanized steel structure of 2 m, surmounted by a sphere, from which hangs a bronze bell. The Provincial Council Cceres has been offered a project with your kit, to the park on Cuartillo LEISURE AND SPORT iron and concrete. It is pending for approval. Participate in the book: CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS CACEREOS, written by historian and art critic D. Manuel Vaz-Romero Nieto. Esten autgrafos book personalities from the worlds of culture, led by Josant. Ramos Rubio, Ph.D. in History and official historian of the city of Trujillo, (CCER). Contained in the encyclopaedic Dizionario Contemporary GIVE INTERNAZIONALE 2002 2003, edition d `Alba Ferrara - Italy. Together with my brother Demetrius, we performed a cataloging of the Rolls and picks Cceres province, natural completndolo with drawings, photographs, orientation, mediciny study them. With large panels of drawings and photographs ascom your description, have been exhibited at the Museum of Cceres and published a book full of detailed and roll and picks Cceres province. At Torre del Horno, a twelfth-century Arab edification built on Roman stones, of Cceres. It has posted a macro-RESTING CHAIRS installation of 39 white and black chairs. As a tribute to the victims of terrorism and peace. His work is in the collection and geometric Constructivist Art in painting espaola sponsored by Toledo & Asociados, Madrid. Participate in FORUM SUR 2005 with the Section of Plastic Arts of the University of Cceres, with clothes hanging installation. Throughout the year 2004 and January this year 2005 has shown the four elements in separate exhibitions. In May at the Museum of Cceres are set forth in these elements: WATER, FIRE, AIR and EARTH. Parallel-South Forum 2006 at the Museum makes a macro installation Cceres against Globalizacin with CUBALIZACIN. There are five wooden cubes in a cubic meters each filled with coal. Make a Happeming in the Forum Balbo, 58 silhouettes painted with white paint, with the purpose of reminding the extremes of terrorism victims who have ed at the hands of terrorists with the title THE EXTEMADURA notably absent. Cceres presented to City Council a draft of a wall as a sculpture that consists of 58 granite blocks where they recorded the names of the victims extreme ed by terrorism. Algeciras brings a boat that has been used by migrants to cross the strait, particularly from Morocco to the City of Algeciras, which is registered, possibly as a fishing boat of 6.20 m. long by 2.40 m wide whose registration is: 6 / 2. CHAHBI 2120. This boat has been confiscated by the Guardia Civil and donated by the Red Cross of Algeciras to the Museum of Cceres, because previously the local artist Emilio Gonzalez gives Nez present in a project with the title The patera of hope, trying to take a boat with used clothing, giving a sense of humanity, against racism and xenophobia and emigration for the moderate and controlled. Cceres 2007